IMG_0015The mission statement of The Enchanted Goddess Community is:  “To celebrate the magnificence and divine feminine in women’s everyday lives.  It provides inspiration, soul nourishment and a creative community in which women can fully celebrate their lives.” 

Joan Becht Willette is an educator, mother, author and “The Enchanted Goddess!”  She started out by fulfilling her starry eyed dreams of becoming a teacher, changing young people’s lives, and of becoming a wife and a mother to a gorgeous, talented daughter.  

The decades of love and service were long and hard, filled with many blessings!  She is like most women that say, “I can do it all!”

Amidst graduate school, marriage, divorce, homebuilding, childrearing, parents dying, community service – she found out that she was exhausted and like many women, needed to recalibrate her life.   

Here are some of the common truths and challenges that she had in common with so many other women. Women today, face the conundrum of being armed with so many gifts, that our circuit boards are overloaded.  

With the shrinking of everyday human contact and support of family and friends, separated by proximity or schedules – we are on our own.  We have become “Super Woman” with nowhere to fuel up and restore our graces.  

Often we turn to technology, materialism and approval for fuel.  It does not deliver.  “Grace under fire” becomes our lifestyle.

What we need is soul comfort and support.  The everyday woman is undervalued, underpaid, unrecognized and virtually invisible by the age of fifty.  With our progenic privilege expired, she becomes extinct to the heat and appreciative value that she one held by males and younger females alike.

She sinks into her 50 shades of gray – her hair, her skin, her vitality, her optimism, her sexiness, her upward climb up the career ladder – all seem to vanish.  Can you relate?  Do you buy into this?  Do you fear that this is your future?   Keep reading, this is where it gets interesting!

We are reaching the pinnacle of our super powers of discernment, creativity, sexuality, availability, collaboration – we are on fire!  

We are suddenly free of the constraints of keeping up with the pecking order of expectations of career, family and community – they have already been built by us!  Gorgeous, sexy and in power of our lives – we leap.  Now we are the current occupants of the houses of our lives, that we constructed over the decades.

This is where the vision of “The Enchanted Goddess” steps in.  Joan has been incubating, nourishing and creating the framework for this community for over seven years.  

We long for a community, where women’s voices could be shared, to walk into the “Red Tent” of belonging, the ancient circles and lodges of long ago – where women were revered, heard and co-created together.   Her time is now!  It is time for The Enchanted Goddess!

She set out on her own “Goddess Journey” and made radical positive changes to her current life.  She left her long term career as a teacher, her marriage, bought a new apartment, took creative writing and spirituality courses and reinvented herself from the ground up!  

With a lot of soul searching and seeking wise counsel of friends and family of belonging, she changed the trajectory of her life!

   Joan is now a writer, published author, part time educator, host/curator, performing artist and creator of “The Enchanted Goddess: Literary Creative Arts Community.”  The community was formed to give women voices and words to create the life that they long for.  

Joan found that she had retrieved her soul and her dreams through her creativity.  Women are creators by nature with their bodies, in their homes, jobs and in their communities.   We can create our own fabulous lives together!



The Enchanted Goddess Writing Series
This is a monthly workshop that targets new and emerging writers.  It is for women who yearn to translate their lives through the written word, as a vehicle for transformation.  

Women reveal their inner lives to themselves through pen and paper, while discovering new worlds and opening doors in their inner lives. Women learn to find their voices in community.


 Writing Workshop Series held at Astor Bake Shop in Astoria – started March 2015

The Enchanted Goddess Reading Series


This is a monthly women’s book discussion group that inspires and transforms women’s lives – one book at a time!  We read together, discuss and connect our lives to the words found in the printed word.  Each woman will build a curated personal library of transformational books of her own.   


Reading Series held at Astoria Bookshop – started April 2015



The Enchanted Goddess Revue Performance Series 

This series celebrates women artists and the divine feminine creativity that nourishes and transforms our communities. Women artists across disciplines, gather to express, collaborate and share their creative visions with each other, on various public platforms through the year. 

The debut performance of the series is titled, “Celebrating Queens Women Artists” is scheduled on March 11,2016 at 6:30pm at The Queens Council of the Arts!




A Wonderful Flickr Album provided by Queens Council of the Arts


 There are other events and venues in the works for “The Enchanted Goddess: Literary Creative Arts Series!”  I will keep you posted!LINKS

The Enchanted Goddess Creative Arts Collective 

Started in August 2016, this is a small group incubator for women artists to transform their lives through “creativity, collaboration and community.”  They will explore multiple creative disciplines to access their “transformative muses” in their lives.  They will create several public performances of their art in the community. 

Joan Becht Willette – The Enchanted Goddess – (Facebook like page) author resources page

The Enchanted Goddess: Literary Creative Arts Community – (Facebook like page) creative arts community

The Enchanted Goddess lifestyle – (Facebook group) blog posts